Scripture Reading - 1 Peter 2:24 KJV

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

On a certain day of the week we (ihlcc) had negative symptoms in our physical body which caused us to stand against the pain, discomfort and weakness in our physical body. Whenever, sickness or disease come upon us we know immediately that we must do our part to think the word (mediate, ponder) and speak the word (mutter, confess, speak forth, proclaim) consistently over the hurting circumstances. Such as are custom is we wrote down the exact day we believed we received our healing in the Mighty Name of Jesus with about (roughly) fourteen lines of God’s Word mingled with thanksgiving to God for already healing our body. We always know we were healed in agreement with the scripture above so we find it to our advantage to believe and speak God’s Word literally as the healing already being done. Let this word of God dwell (take up residence) in your heart richly in all wisdom according to Colossians 3:16. However, this time the Gracious Lord revealed to us new spin on healing that we never quoted before. We laid hold to the fresh quote of “Healed by Association” the moment we heard it in our heart. This thought is a truth of God’s Word because the Holy Scripture verifies this concept in the scripture above and in others. Notice Matthew 8:17 BBE (1965 Bible in Basic English) So that the word of Isaiah the prophet might come true: He himself (Jesus Christ) took our pains and our diseases. Some versions use the word infirmities or weakness instead of pain and some bible versions use the words sickness instead of disease. Whatever word they use the truth is the same and that truth is, Jesus took upon Himself all of the negative, discomforting, hurting things that try to influence our body in an evil way. When the Lord first showed us this truth we rejoiced because this put the focus of our attention upon the finished work of Christ Jesus instead of our actions or feelings. In comparison the sickness and disease we were resisting (Resist the devil/sickness and he/it will flee from you.-James 4:7b) seemed quite small when we considered the pain and suffering of Jesus upon that Cross at Calvary. We always knew we were associated with Jesus as family members but we also are associated with Jesus in healing and life and peace. Yes, “Healed by Association” is a testimony to the Lord’s working for us individually and all those in the world corporately. It is so vital that the Christian stand their ground on the healing promises of God to uphold the victory Christ has already given to us. So the next time sickness, disease, discomfort or any abnormal feeling comes upon you, as a Christian, reject the adversity in the Name of Jesus because you were “healed by association” with Jesus. Yes, the stripes upon Jesus back were painful and the mental anguish Jesus suffer being an innocent man is a reality for the Body of Christ. So don’t tolerate sickness or disease in your physical body but rather cast it out based upon the truth that you were “Healed by Association”. We (ihlcc) did it according to God’s Word and since the Good Lord Jesus already did His Work the sickness, pain and discomfort did its part to leave us in the Name of Jesus. God’s Word works when we work the process because when we do our part we realize His Work as our Healer was already finished around two thousand years ago. Therefore we will forever be “Healed by Association” in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!